Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Personal Blog

So today is my thrid day here in Costa Rica and so far so good. I really cant complain about anything that has happened yet except for maybe the lack of sleep, but then again it has been fun going out with everyone and getting to know them. Last night a group of us went to the Monday night bar, and I ended up having a little to much for having to get up at 6:15 this morning. It was definatetly different then any bar that I have been to in the states; which was a good thing. There was actual live music that was enjoyable, people actually dancing, and the people were friendly (except one guy that didn't like me trying to push through to get to my friend, but hey you cant be friends with everyone) After awhile of hanging out with everyone my host brother ended up showing up to the bar, and him and I decided it would be smart to buy drinks back and forth (which was the downfall of the night for me).
Yesterday, we went to Cinde, which is a private non-profitable organization that helps bring in new businesses to Costa Rica. That is one thing that I am kinda confused about, and that is that during the presentation the lady said that Costa Rica wanted to be an export powered economy, but if you are wanting to bring in companies from outside like she also sad wouldn't that just defeat the purpose of wanting to be an export powered economy?? During the presentation we heard about how Costa Rica got rid of their military again.....I guess this is one thing that they are very proud of. Also during the presentation we learned something that I thought was very interesting and that is that coffee only makes up for 3% of Costa Ricas export compared to when it use to be 53% of their exports back in the 1980's. Another thing that I found amazing was that 98.3% of Costa Ricans have health-care, and that it is the 2nd most globalized country in Latin America.
Tomorrow we are going to go visit a coffee plantation, and I am interested to see what it is like. I dont know what to except really. I dont know if we are going to be getting down and working a little or if we are just going to be touring the plantation and seeing how it is run. Tonight, I think that I am just going to go home and finish my readings for the classes tomorrow, and then have dinner and then just get back in bed and lay there all night and watch TV and go to sleep.
So far everything has gone well, but I did meet some people that got held a gun point last night. So, I really guess I do need to pay attention to my surroundings and becareful. Also, I talked to Allison today and she is really enjoying Lux and seems to be doing well. It will be good seeing her when we get back and she comes down for the 4th of July.

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