Monday, May 19, 2008

First Day in Costa Rica

Yesterday started by getting up around 6:30, to where I found a table full of fruit, Gayo Pintos (spelling???), bread, juices, and coffee.  My housemate Peter and I sat at the table discussing how much better we felt about understanding our house mom that morning than we did the night before, the movies that were on the night before, and what we thought we would be doing that day.  After breakfast, we got ready to walk to school and meet the rest of the group where we found out that we had to walk three girls to school.  One being from Colorado, and the other two being from Montana.  Arriving at the school we saw the rest of our group, and I starting asking people how their night was and if their host family spoke any english.  After that we all got our picture taken and finally departed for the tour of the city.  
During the tour we saw the presidents house, which was a lot different then the White House.  The first difference that I noticed was that the house was just like every other house in the neighborhood, and the second thing that I noticed was that there was really no security besides a couple of cameras and a security guard watching them......well I am going to have to finish this later because I have to go to class.

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