Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fair Trade Coffee in Costa Rica

"Fair Trade coffee is a socially and environmentally responsible way to conduct trade between developed and developing countries", quoted by An advantage to this Fair Trade is that we now have the power to revolutionize the global economy, and demonstrate that the world can evenutally work together to provide everyone his or her need. As of November 14, 2007 coffee in Costa Rica accounted for 11% of exprt revenue and employed 5% of the nations labor force. Costa Rica Coffee also accounts for 2.6% of the worlds production of coffee. In Costa Rica there are 72,942 coffee growers. Costa Rica claims that as a country they are focused on the small farmers. A small farmer would grow his or her coffee on less then 5 hectares, which makes up around 44% of the total coffee produced. Medium size farmers will probably own up to as much as 20 hectares of land which will account for approximately 21% of the nations coffee. While the larger coffee produces, which is only 2% of the farmers, have more then 20 hectares and will produce 35% of the nations coffee.

Now in Costa Rica the COOCAFE is the only Fair Trade coffee cooperatives. They make up 3500 small coffee producers, and they are located in nine independent cooperatives through out the country. Their mission is ,"To promote social and economic development and environmentally sustainable coffee production that meets the quality demands of our customers and serves the needs of our cooperatives and their member." COOCAFE was founded in 1988, and since then it has grown and now has established the International organization known as the FairTrade Labelling Organization, FLO. FLO`s main desire is to work with third world producers and give them better opportunities, treatment, and guarantees quality products for the consumer. FLO consists of 416 different licensed importers, industries, supermarkets and stores, and more than 800,000 producers. FLO works with sells in Europe, North America, and Japan. The fair trade associated with COOCAFE and FLO is comprised of three different groups of participants. First is the producers, second is the licensees, and thirdly is the national iinitiatives and campaigns. In conclusion the COOCAFE and FLO are commited to giving better opportunities that benefit producers around the world.

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